This example walks you through how to create multistranded complexes, how to find their energies, and how to find the energy of a test tube state with multiple complexes at a chosen concentration (i.e. box volume). The example is toehold-initiated three-way branch migration, as per Zhang & Winfree, JACS, 2009. Some things are done in a rather long-winded way, just to illustrate the use of Multistrand. The intention is for you to try it line by line, and play around a bit. E.g. use print() and help().
from multistrand.objects import *
from multistrand.options import Options
from multistrand.system import *
o = Options()
o.dangles = 1 # 0 is "None", 1 is "Some", 2 is "All". You can use the string names only when passing as arguments to Options().
o.temperature = 25 # values between 0 and 100 are assumed to be Celsius; between 273.15 and 373.0 are assumed to be Kelvin.
o.join_concentration = 1e-9 # the volume is scaled such that a single strand is at 1 nM concentration.
initialize_energy_model(o) # only necessary if you want to use energy() without running a simulation first.
# More meaningful names for argument values to the energy() function call, below.
Loop_Energy = 0 # requesting no dG_assoc or dG_volume terms to be added. So only loop energies remain.
Volume_Energy = 1 # requesting dG_volume but not dG_assoc terms to be added. No clear interpretation for this.
Complex_Energy = 2 # requesting dG_assoc but not dG_volume terms to be added. This is the NUPACK complex microstate energy, sans symmetry terms.
Tube_Energy = 3 # requesting both dG_assoc and dG_volume terms to be added. Summed over complexes, this is the system state energy.
# Sequences are from Zhang & Winfree, JACS 2009.
toe = Domain(name='toehold',sequence='TCTCCATGTC')
bm = Domain(name='branch',sequence='CCCTCATTCAATACCCTACG')
extra = Domain(name='extra',sequence='CCACATACATCATATT')
substrate = toe.C + bm.C # this.C computes the Watson-Crick complement; this + that combines Domains (or Strands) into a larger Strand. = "Substrate"
invasion = substrate.C
incumbent = extra + bm = "Incumbent"
# Example showing that the reference state energy (all strands separate, unstructured) is defined to be 0.
c1= Complex(strands=[incumbent],structure='.'*len(incumbent.sequence))
c2= Complex(strands=[invasion],structure='.'*len(invasion.sequence))
c3= Complex(strands=[substrate],structure='.'*len(substrate.sequence))
ref = energy([c1,c2,c3],o,Tube_Energy) # gives all zeros
# Example secondary structure in dot-paren notation, showing invading strand bound by the 10-nt toehold only.
# The two commands below are equivalent. One gives the structure at the domain level, the other at the sequence level.
c = Complex( strands=[incumbent,invasion,substrate],structure=".(+.(+))")
c = Complex( strands=[incumbent,invasion,substrate],structure = "................((((((((((((((((((((+....................((((((((((+))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))")
# Another way to write the above dot-paren secondary structure:
st = "................" + 20 * "(" + "+" + 20*"." + "((((((((((+))))))))))" + 20 * ")"
print "<------- incumbent strand ---------> <------ invasion strand -----> <----- substrate strand -----> (energy in kcal/mol)"
print incumbent.sequence + ' ' + invasion.sequence + ' ' + substrate.sequence
print "initial state"
c1 = Complex( strands=[invasion], structure='.'*len(invasion.sequence) )
st = "................((((((((((((((((((((+..........))))))))))))))))))))"
st = '.' * 16 + '(' * 20 + '+' + '.' * 10 + ')' * 20
c2 = Complex( strands=[incumbent,substrate], structure=st)
before = sum( energy([c1,c2],o,Tube_Energy) )
# awkward wrap for indicating complexes on one line without permuting strand order
print st[:36] + ' ' + '.'*30 + ' ' + st[37:] + '+' + " (%5.2f)" % before
# Then we'll compute the energies for states as the toehold is binding, one base pair at a time.
print "toehold binding"
toeh = [0] * 10
for i in range(10)[::-1] :
te = "................((((((((((((((((((((+...................." + (10-i)* "(" + i*"." + "+" + i*"." + (10-i)* ")" + "))))))))))))))))))))"
c = Complex( strands=[incumbent,invasion,substrate],structure = te)
toeh[9-i] = energy([c],o,Tube_Energy)[0]
print te + " (%5.2f)" % toeh[9-i]
# Then we'll compute the energies for the three-stranded complex during branch migration steps and toehold binding steps
print "branch migration"
primary = [0] * 20 # structures with full base-pairing
intermed = [0] * 19 # structures with one base-pair open
for i in range(20):
st = "................" + (20-i) * "(" + i*"." + "+" + (20-i)*"." + i*"(" + "((((((((((+))))))))))" + 20 * ")"
c = Complex( strands=[incumbent,invasion,substrate],structure = st)
primary[i] = energy([c],o,Tube_Energy)[0]
print st + " (%5.2f)" % primary[i]
if i<19:
st_int = "................" + (19-i) * "(" + (i+1)*"." + "+" + (20-i)*"." + i*"(" + "((((((((((+))))))))))" + i * ")" + "." + (19-i) * ")"
c = Complex( strands=[incumbent,invasion,substrate],structure = st_int)
intermed[i] = energy([c],o,Tube_Energy)[0]
print st_int + " (%5.2f)" % intermed[i]
# Note that toeh[9] == primary[0]
energies = toeh[:9]+[primary[i/2] if i%2==0 else intermed[i/2] for i in range(len(primary)+len(intermed))]
steps = range(-9,0)+[v/2.0 for v in range(0,39)]
# Finally we'll compute the energies for the tube system states consisting of two complexes after strand displacement.
print 'dissociated states'
# Immediately after dissociation, the just-broken base pair is open
c1 = Complex( strands=[incumbent], structure='.'*len(incumbent.sequence) )
st = '.' + '(' * 29 + '+' + ')' * 29 + '.'
c2 = Complex( strands=[invasion,substrate], structure=st)
after_open = sum( energy([c1,c2],o,Tube_Energy) )
print '.'*36 + ' ' + st + " (%5.2f)" % after_open
# Now the final base pair closes.
c1 = Complex( strands=[incumbent], structure='.'*len(incumbent.sequence) )
st = '(' * 30 + '+' + ')' * 30
c2 = Complex( strands=[invasion,substrate], structure=st)
after_closed = sum( energy([c1,c2],o,Tube_Energy) )
print '.'*36 + ' ' + st + " (%5.2f)" % after_closed
# Store the before and after states in "positions" -15 and +25,+26 so as to visually separate them from the intramolecular pathway.
energies = [before] + energies + [after_open, after_closed]
steps = [-15] + steps + [25,26]
Bring on the plots!
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.title("Energy landscape for canonical three-way branch migration pathway\n (10 nt toehold, %d nM, %6.2fK)" % (o.join_concentration * 1e9, o.temperature) )
plt.xlabel("Steps of branch migration (negative during toehold binding)",fontsize='larger')
plt.ylabel("Microstate Energy (kcal/mol)",fontsize='larger')